Required Presentation Two

Required Presentation Two

Pamela Garramone

Pam Garramone, M.Ed., is an award-winning speaker who presents positive psychology -the science of happiness- to students, educators, and corporate and community employees. Through professional training and meaningful personal practices, Pam has found that the smallest changes make the biggest difference. Pam is the author of the book Being Happier: The Journal.

Want to be happier? What if it's as easy as looking for the good things in your day and the things your grateful for? It is! Writing daily in your happiness journal can help train your brain to go positive. When you begin to look for the good things in your day, the more good things you'll see! ..

Zoom Link-November 21-Presentation Two

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Presentation One

Presentation One

Ty Sells

Recognized as an individual who cares deeply for the well being of youth, Ty is known for his charisma and leadership. Not just a speaker, Ty brings over thirty years of experience in drug prevention and community service, and youth development. Ty is an Ohio Certified Prevention Consultant. While working closely with the youth, he has gained first- hand knowledge of the joys and challenges of being young today. Ty has developed a number of trainings, workshops, and presentations for both youth and adults to address the many complex issues that confront today’s young people.


Marijuana use is on the rise with high school students across the United States. This increase is often attributed to a lowered perception of risk. Young people think smoking pot is “no big deal” or even “safe”. Much of what they believe is based on myths and organized talking points they have heard from their friends, pro-legalization forces and even the media. While there are countless ways for students to find accurate information, there are just as many places to find misinformation. This workshop will examine strategies to get behind the smoke screen and engage youth in a conversation about marijuana. A conversation that is free of preaching and politics, but full of the relevant facts to assist youth in making their own healthier decisions.

Zoom Link October23-Choose Snow

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